This week on 5 Minute Marketing we are jumping over to our Facebook page to listen to a live video I recorded recently. I want to talk to you about why webinars suck, and why you should work smarter, not harder.
During a recent conversation, I found myself explaining why webinars are a terrible option for someone who is just starting to sell products online. I’ll give you the overview here, but make sure you listen to the podcast this week to get all the info.
Let me give you two options:
Option 1- you spend $1000 (or more), hours upon hours of your own time, you create a powerpoint with hundreds of slides, you work yourself to the bone for months and at the end of all that, you end up sharing your presentation with 20 people and you lose 80% of the money you invested.
Option 2- you spend a fraction of that $1000, you spend a few hours of your own time, you reach hundreds – eventually even thousands – of potential customers, and at the end of all that you are profiting hand over fist.
If option one sounds like your ideal situation, this episode might not be for you. But if option 2 is your choice, then make sure to check out this week’s episode or watch the facebook live video here. You can also learn more about our one page protocol here.

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Like this is why webinars are a terrible idea if you’re getting started.
Hey, what’s going on everybody? Uh, happy Tuesday. Um, today I’m gonna do something a little bit different. I actually just recorded, uh, a Facebook live, uh, that I posted over on the fan page at, uh, Um, and the title of the video’s called Why Webinars Suck. And I’m gonna push- I’m gonna pull the audio off that video and play it here in a minute, um, so I just wanted to let you guys know the audio you’re about to hear is from a Facebook Live. If you wanna go see any of the visuals, because I was recording from my phone, uh, at a whiteboard, so you can understand a little bit better if you go watch it on Facebook, but I think the audio even just by itself is gonna be pretty self-explanatory and you’ll be able to follow along, um, you know, almost as well as you would be able to go, uh, if you watched it on Facebook.
So let me pull up that audio and that will be today’s episode.
Hey, what’s going on everybody? I want to jump on today and kind of tell you guys something that in the end it’s not gonna make a whole lot of sense, um, but I’ll explain why in the end. I was talking with someone, uh, the other day, a [SameCar 00:01:13] customer who was struggling to get started and they were trying to sell their product, I think it was like a $200 product. And they were trying to do it via a webinar.
Um, and the more they were telling me about, you know, their results with ads, uh, how everything was working with like the whole rest of their funnel, the more I started realizing th-that whole- the whole webinar idea of selling your product with a webinar, I’ll walk you through this whole process in a minute, is maybe the worst idea you possibly could have when you’re just starting out.
Um, we use webinars not all the time. We use them for a couple main products that we sell. Um, but for the most part we use a very simple process for selling that has nothing to do with webinars. It is, uh, much easier to put together.
Um, so in the end, I want to tell you today why webinars suck for selling. And it’s not that webinars actually suck for selling, it’s that they suck to put together. And for a beginner, your chances of pulling off a webinar that actually converts and is something that you can scale and afford to pay tra- pay to run ads into, your chances of succeeding are almost damn near zero percent.
And here’s why. So like here is a typical webinar process. This is a process that we use every single day, uh, but remember, I’ve been- if you guys don’t know anything about me, I’ve been selling stuff online since 2009. Uh, we’ve done over, you know, $30 million in sales of our own products. Uh, you know, we- I have a team of people that help me put all this stuff together.
So when you’re looking at a webinar, number one, you gotta have a source of traffic, whether ads or, uh, some sorts of traffic. Most people spend a $1000 in ads. Send people to a registration page, you gotta get people to opt in, you gotta send them to a thank you page that incentivizes them to actually show up. You gotta send them a bunch of emails to get them to show up. You gotta send them a bunch of emails, uh, after the webinar is actually over to go to a replay because they probably didn’t buy yet.
Here’s the problem: most people, and this was what this guy actually did, he spent 1000 bucks, spent all his time putting all this stuff together, he spent 1000 bucks driving traffic to get people to register. That 1000 bucks, I think he got 100 people to register. 100 people. So $10 per register. That’s actually pretty normal today.
Some people can get, you know, as low as $5 per register, but this is pretty normal.
Of those 100 people that registered, only 25 or 20 of them actually showed up. It- for a webinar, 20% show rate is- is actually pretty normal. So you get 20 people, 20% of the people, to show up for all this other work that you did. This is why you have to set up all these emails, all these post webinar emails, to get people to actually go back and see the slides that you actually put together.
Like we haven’t even talked about the slides. Most of these webinar PowerPoint key note files are 600+ slides long, and this crap takes weeks to put together. I can do these now in two to three weeks. But I’ve done this maybe 10 to 20 times and I’ve been doing this for almost 10 years. So you put in all this work to create this entire webinar, like key note, PowerPoint slide, you better be really darn good at putting together slides, at saying the right thing on each slide, at being really good at sales and copy.
That 600 slides turns into a two, three hour webinar. And then you have all these pieces to get people to the actual webinar and to show up. and what happens like when this doesn’t work? What happens when you spend all this money on ads and you spend 1000 bucks and you only make 200 bucks back, because that’s probably what would happen in this case. Most webinars that we see, you spend 1000 bucks, you get about $10 per registrant, you get 100 people to register, you get 20% people to show up, and let’s say you’re selling, uh, over here I said a $100 product.
If you’re selling a $100 product at that price point on a webinar, you probably convert around 10% of your attendees. So you have 20 people show up times 10% conversion. Some people get higher, you might be able to get as high as 20, but on average you’re probably gonna convert 10%.
What’s 10% of 20 there, buddy? Do a little math. Two people to buy times a $100 price is $200.
So tell me if this sounds like a lot of fun to you. Four, five, six weeks, tons of time creating a webinar, buy software to do a webinar, write seven, eight, nine, 10 emails, create two landing pages, a third landing page down here for the replay, a whole checkout process, you gotta run ads, you gotta run retargeting ads. Then you turn all on.
You spend 1000 bucks. You’re doing this webinar live. 20 people show up. So you, on the webinar, are probably feeling pretty shitty because no one’s actually there and then you walk away with $200. $800 loss.
This is why webinars are not a good idea for someone starting out, which is why we teach- you guys have probably seen us talk about this 1000 times. We teach the one page protocol. So you can run ads to a single page that follows a seven step process that gets a prospect to get excited about your product, they read all the way down to the bottom, and they buy.
These pages, for us on average, are converting at four to five percent. So now you don’t have to spend 1000 bucks here anymore. You can spend $100, send 100 people here, and make four to five sales. Like, I don’t know about you but that sounds a whole lot easier, it sounds a whole lot more fun, it sounds a whole lot simpler. So now if- if you actually fail, if this campaign does not work, it’s either your ad or your page. Like that’s it.
It’s either this or one of these elements. It’s not like when you do this webinar like this guy did and you spend 1000 bucks and you only make 200 bucks back, which- where- where was the problem? I mean, let me step back for a minute. Where was the problem? There’s about 5000 elements here. There’s the ad. There’s the registration page. There’s the thank you page. There’s all of these emails, which are five, six, seven paragraphs long. Was it the second paragraph in this email? Was it the third paragraph in this email? Was it the buy button on this replay page? Was it slide seven or 700? Was it this retargeting ad? Was it somewhere on my checkout page?
Like, this is why webinars are a terrible idea if you’re getting started. Absolutely terrible idea. There’s just too much work to go in. You’re putting in weeks, months of work before you’re even ready to test if the whole process and then testing it is a nightmare.
Do this instead: Run ads or drive traffic to a single page. Take whatever it is you’re selling, follow our one page protocol process, it’s seven easy steps that if you followed in order, you have so much more of a chance of making a sale. Your chances go up probably five, 10 times. Um, and if you want it to, learn this whole process. We have a- a webinar, that’s where I actually contradict myself. We use a webinar to show you this process. Why? Because we have a team of people, 20 people, to help us put together all of these pieces.
But you can go check that out over at The number one, page funnel dot com. I’ll show you exactly why you should avoid all of this and then how to put this simple process together, uh, so you guys can sell your products, hopefully make it a hell of a lot easier on you, um, and avoid a ton of headaches.
So that’s it for today. Um, just talking with that guy and wanted to let you guys, uh, kinda just give you my thoughts. Um, again, my guess is a lot of you are struggling the way he did. So many people are out there preaching, um, you know, doing webinars and while I do believe in them, while they’re a great idea, when you’re starting out they just are not a good idea.
Um, so that’s it for today. I’ll catch you guys later.
If you’re looking for an easy way to launch your business online and start making sales or a simple way to get fast cash out of your already established business, then check out how I’m making $1729 per day with a simple, one page website. I break it all down over at That’s the number one, page funnel dot com. [/expand]
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