Hey guys- today on 5 Minute Marketing we are weighing our options when it comes to sales pages. Should we do videos? Should we stick to text? Should we show our faces or not? These are all common questions and they are questions I asked as a new business owner.
The quick answer is: You should choose whatever makes you feel the most confident. If you are super confident in front of a camera, record yourself making a sales pitch. If you’re a strong writer, stick with text. If you need to get on a stage to feel confident, find a way to make that happen.
That said, there are a few benefits to using text when you are first starting out:
- Super easy to create
- Easy to edit if you find a mistake
- Easier to split test on different platforms
- You’ll see results faster
Those are some reasons I might suggest sticking to text when you are first starting out, BUT I can’t stress enough- if you are more comfortable using a different medium, go for it.
What is even more important than the kind of sales page you are creating is the content of that sales page. That is why we created the Blueprint to Sell (keep an eye out in the next week or so for some new products), the 5 minute VSL and other products that make it super easy to create a solid sales pitch. You can learn more about those products on BrianMoran.com
Listen to today’s episode to hear more about creating the right sales page for you and your business.

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Brian: The truth is a good sales pitch delivered in any way, shape or form will sell.
Brian: So people are always asking me, hey, Brian, should I do text or video when I’m putting together my one page. I mean, I guess I understand why people ask. I used to ask the same thing and that people think there’s some magic formula that all of a sudden you have a sales page or a sales pitch and it’s not working, and you take it from text, you put on video and all of a sudden starts working. Well, I have bad news and I have good news at the end. The bad news is your page that is not converting, transferring it to another medium, taking it from video to text, text to video, video to audio, whatever medium you can think of, is not going mean anything for you. It’s not going to make your product start to sell. It’s not going to do anything because the truth is, a good sales pitch delivered in any way, shape or form will sell.
Brian: Now can you take an identical sales pitch that is done from stage or done from a podcast or done from a printed out text based sales letter or done on video, will they convert differently? Yes, but the difference is small. When you have a sales pitch that’s failing, you don’t need a small improvement in conversion to start getting it to sell. You have to have a huge increase to go from 0% conversion to one. That’s a huge increase. So anyway, what does that mean for you, that in the end, which one should you do? Should you do a text sales page, sales letter, that’s just headlines, bullet points, text, images, and a buy button following our one page blueprint? Or should you do a video and have most of your sales pitch conveyed via video.
Brian: In the end, if you’re just getting started, I would say do text. And the reason is text is easier. You need less software, you need less equipment. You don’t need a camera, you don’t need to be able to edit a video. A lot of that stuff is very, very simple and we go over how to do most of it in our program, The Five Minute VSL, which is closed right now, but I’ll tell you guys more about. We’re opening up next week. But even if messing with video is easy for you, making a text sales page is just so easy that you don’t have to be a fantastic writer. It helps to be at writing but you’ll get better over time, but you can easily fix it. If you find a typo, guess what? You don’t have to rerecord that part of the video and take that new edit and put it into your video software and then re-exports software, re upload the video to the internet and save the page.
Brian: You can just go into the page, edit the typo and hit save, and you’re good. It’s easier to split test. I like them because they’re easy for people to skim. Some people don’t like watching videos as much these days, so I like it to test out whether or not my product is going to sell or not because I feel like I get better results faster. But anyway, that’s just me. If you’re a terrible writer, and some of you probably think you’re terrible writers but you’re not. If you’re the kind of person that is always doubting yourself, ask someone else if you’re good at writing to get an actual good input. But if you’re a terrible writer and you’re really good on video, you should do video, wherever you can deliver the most powerful persuasive argument for your products. If you feel most comfortable from stage, you should figure out how to get on stage.
Brian: If you can feel most comfortable talking into your phone like I’m doing right now, do a podcast or a teleseminar, some audio fashion. If you like being in front of a camera, then do that. If you like talking like I do but not being in front of the camera… you hopefully have seen the video that we sent out the last couple of days. If you haven’t check your Facebook Messenger or your email. Scott made a video that explains how I figured out how to make amazingly high converting videos because I feel like I was always good at talking and conveying my sales pitch but hated being on camera. If that’s you, we show you how we make our videos and how they sell like crazy and I never have to be in front of an actual camera. And if you’re a good writer or if you enjoy writing, you should do all tech space sales letters because in the end, if you have the blueprint to sell, and the blueprint is set in stone, you cannot mess with the blueprint.
Brian: That’s why we created the one page blueprint which you guys will hear more about soon. I can’t say more than that, but I’ll have something coming in the next couple of weeks where you can get your hands on our actual blueprint. We made something for you guys you’ll actually be able to have on your desk. It’s why we created our one page funnel masterclass that goes in depth. It’s why we created the course, The Five Minute VSL. All of these things are built on the seven steps to selling products. Doesn’t matter what the prices are, what niche you’re in, if you follow the process, then you don’t have to worry about that. Wherever you decide to make your sales pitch in whatever form or fashion or medium it’s going to convert. Then the only decision left is for you, it’s where do you feel most comfortable? That’s it. If you like writing, write. If you like talking, talk. If you like presenting or being on camera, present or be on camera, that’s it. But again, there are always certain places where video might perform better or a text might perform better.
Brian: For example, our webinar, one of the things that we’ve found has been really, really consistent lately is when I can actually get over being on camera and be in front of a camera, especially in a webinar setting, our conversions tend to be a good amount higher. So even if we’re doing video sales letters now, if I have the time, and sometimes I do sometimes I don’t, but if I have the time to do it, even recording a quick thirty second intro of me on camera to set the stage for the video and then going back to not being on camera and recording slides, we see conversions go up. And it’s just one of those things that people these days are skeptical about buying and a video, you being on video or them hearing your voice, can go a long way to make people trust you. And just like that’s an example for making videos that sell your products, there’s plenty of reasons for text. People are impatient these days. They like to be able to skim and text lets you do that.
Brian: But anyway, long story short, if you guys want to start making videos or you want the blueprint that if you follow, I promise people buy your product. It all starts with figuring out how to make these videos and that’s something I struggled with for a long, long time. Scott sent out an email this morning that you guys probably saw about how the first time I tried to make a video to sell our product in the baseball niche absolutely bombed. And I took a business that was making you know 1,000 bucks a month and almost killed it. It went down to zero for a little while. If you’re on our email list we’ll explain what we did to overcome that.
Brian: But long story short, if you guys want to have the process that we use to create videos, go over to brianmoran.com/video and I’ll redirect you over to that tutorial that Scott made so you guys can have our little easy setup that we use to roll out videos like this. So anyway, that’s all I got. Go over to brianmoran.com/video and I’ll send you that tutorial. And then keep your eyes out in your email inbox and then on Facebook Messenger because we’re going to open up our Five Minute VSL course next week before 4th of July so you guys can get your hands on that. So that’s all I got, and I’ll talk to you guys soon.
Brian: If you’re looking for an easy way to launch your business online and start making sales or a simple way to get fast cash out of your already established business, then check out how I’m making $1,729 per day with a simple one page website. I break it all down over at 1pagefunnel.com, that’s the number one, pagefunnel.com. [/expand]
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