Today on 5 minute marketing, we’re pulling back a little and looking at the big picture.
If you’re a business owner, you know that it’s so easy to become fixated on one aspect of your business. Maybe it’s a number that you just can’t seem to increase. Or a product you can’t seem to get people interested in. Whatever it is, we all have something that we tend to spend more time thinking about.
The same is true in life. We all have a handful of things we spend the majority of our time thinking about. Whether it’s a relationship, a promotion, a new gadget, or a habit, you probably can think of a few things that take up a lot of brain space.
Today we’re talking about perspective and why it is crucial to change your perspective often. If you have big goals in your business, you need to be surrounded by people who have already hit those goals- and surpassed them. Those are the kinds of people who can give you a fresh perspective on your problems because they have already been there.
If we spend time looking at things from different angles, we are less likely to get stuck, and more likely to go through life with a sense of gratitude. Make sure to listen to today’s episode to hear more on why perspective is the one thing that changes everything.

Do you want to keep being an underachiever or are you willing to do what it takes to go pro? Most entrepreneurs are constantly looking for the next best thing, the new traffic source or the latest sales tactic, but that approach isn’t going to get you to your goal. It has the opposite effect. It leaves you stuck on the sideline watching everyone else play the game. It’s time to go pro and step onto the field.
Hey, everybody. What’s going on? It’s been, ah, quite a while since I’ve talked to you guys. It’s been a- a crazy month. Um, about three, four weeks ago now, ah, I was actually skiing out in Montana with a bunch of buddies of mine, um, from- ah, from church here in- in my local hometown and anyway, long story short, about halfway through the trip, I went into the ski park, went off a, ah- a kind of like medium-sized jump, kind of bit the dust and on my way down to the ground, tweaked my knee and I actually ended up tearing my ACL. So I was out for good couple days. Um, and actually, I’m getting ready for kind of surgery on this thing, ah, in like 48 hours so hopefully, I’ll be able to still create some episodes for you here in the next week or two, but likely out of commission depending on how- how tough the surgery is, but I should be fine.
But anyway, long story short, between that and a bunch of other stuff, been- been tough to record some episodes. Actually we got a few out that we had, um, kind of the back burner so, ah, if the timeline kind of seems out of order, that’s why, but this is the first one I’ve actually recorded for you guys since I (laughs) went off on that trip and, ah- and tore my knee to pieces so anyway.
But I want to talk about today is actually episode I’ve been meaning to- to record for you guys for a while and it’s all about keeping things in perspective. And I think this is honestly like one of the most important things, um, in business, um, and just kind of in life in general. Um, ah, I think like perspective can change everything, right? I mean when, you know, eh, most- ah, ah, not most. Anyone listening to this podcast, ah, has something to be thankful for. Like I don’t care how bad your day is going. I don’t care how bad your business is going or- or any of that stuff. I mean you’re healthy enough to, you know, ah, during your downtime listen to a podcast on a device that there are people on this planet that can’t afford to own the device that you have in your pocket that you’re listening to this thing on. They don’t have internet connection. They don’t have cell reception. They … You know, eh, eh, whatever problems that we’re dealing with are most of the time first world problems, right? Um, and just to keep that in perspective is like …
You know, when I took, um, a missions trip out to Uganda, Africa in October, that was one of the biggest things. Like that was a complete change of perspective. I had never had that perspective before. You know, I’ve- I’ve left the- the States a bunch of times and, you know, I’ve seen some poor areas, but nothing like that. Um, and it puts life into perspective. You know, all of a sudden you realize, you know, look, the stuff that I’m stressed out about, you know, whether sales are down or w- I have an issue with an employee or whatever it is, my, you know, kids are driving me nuts or a- anything. You know, all of a sudden, you know, those things are- are- are not so important when you get a change in perspective.
Um, a- and I think- ah, I think it’s just- it’s something important to remember, um, you know, for it. There’s a- a story I like to tell when- when I … it was my senior year in college and we were- ah, I was the- the captain of the baseball team and we … our season was coming to a close and we didn’t think … We hadn’t really played that well to be completely honest and somehow, we ended up qualifying for this end- like season ending conference tournament, the top four teams in the conference made the tournament. We somehow ended up as the number four seed. We just squeaked our way in.
We didn’t really belong there ’cause we had gotten demolished by the top three teams in the conference so we ended up in this tournament of four teams, the best four teams in our conference. The other three teams other than us, we had played a total of 12 times, played each of them three times during the season and they had outscored us by like 96 runs combined. We were 0 and 12 against these other three teams so we figured “Hey, great. We get a couple extra games at the end of the season that we thought this is going to be our, you know, last games on the field for us seniors, but look, we got icing on- you know, on the cake. This is the cherry on top. We get a few more extra games. We’re going to go get crushed, but, you know, let’s just go have fun.
So we went in with a pretty good perspective. We didn’t put pressure on ourselves. We weren’t … You know, we were the mega underdog so we didn’t have any pressure and we went in and went on a little mini winning streak and ended up in the championship game and we were playing this team that likes to rattle the hell out of people and just talk a bunch of trash and we had … ‘Cause we had experienced this team before. They were known as kind of the- the trash talking team that got in people’s heads that, you know, caused little verbal, you know, spats and stuff. No like actual fights, um, but you know what I mean? You guys, if you’re an athlete or you know, you’ve … y- you know that there are people out there like to trash talk and this team was- was the king of trash talk.
And we had a- um, a meeting before the game and I sat everybody down and one of the things that we, you know, essentially decided on was “Look, you know, w- we’ve already won. Like there’s no pressure on us. The pressure is on that team. They are playing us, the heavy underdog. We don’t even deserve to be here. I don’t even know how we got here to this championship game, but the pressure’s on them. If they find a way to lose to us, they’re going to be embarrassed, but we’re not going to be embarrassed. Like we shouldn’t even be here. We’re supposed to lose so if we lose, who cares? And if we win, I mean this could be one of the greatest stories, ah, in- in our college’s sports history.
Um, so we- we reoriented our perspective and we didn’t have the perspective that, you know, we got to win, you know, this … we have to win to finish the story. You know, we got to stay on this hot streak. All the pressure is on us. We were completely, you know, void of any stress or pressure and we ended up wining the championship. We qualified for the NCA tournament for the first time in our school’s like 120-year history, ah, and it was just an awesome story and it was because we were stress free. We didn’t … you know, we weren’t dwelling on the fact that we had a crappy season. We weren’t putting pressure on ourselves to win. We weren’t putting more importance on this game than needed to be there. And again, in the end, we’re talking about a sports game.
Um, and so many of us, I think we get- we get hyped up about things that don’t really matter that in the end, you know, when we really think about it, there … i- it’s not the things that in life are the most important. Um, you know, we’re usually not stressed out about, you know, our- our family’s health or our health or, um, you know, the things in life that you should actually be, you know, worried about or appreciative for if they’re going well.
Um, so anyway, that- that’s just one of those scenarios where perspective really plays a difference. How does this translate into business? Well, it’s one of the things that the- the … So the other day, I was, um,- I was looking at one of the Facebook ad campaigns we’re running for, ah, this free plus shipping offer called The Ultimate Upsell Script. You can check it out if you want to see, ah, what I’m referencing. It’s So I’m running ads to this thing. It’s a little mini-book that wrote, um, and we’re trying to sell it and the ads just … they’re not really working. They’re sort of working, but I- I can’t figure out why, um, and I’m- I’m thinking maybe it’s the landing page. I’m taking a look at all the different pieces of this- this marketing campaign and …
Anyway, long story short, I called up a buddy of mine who is … he runs a- an agency that does Facebook ads for clients. So I need to change my perspective ’cause right now, I can’t figure out what the answer is so I need someone else who has a fresh perspective. And he comes in and on this one individual campaign, he asked me what my click-through rate was, and that’s usually something that I don’t really care about. Um, but he looks at it and he’s like “Look, this is why the campaign’s not working. You’re actually- you’re paying way too much per click and it’s because your click-through rate is really, really bad.” And I thought it was actually pretty decent. I figured I had wrote a great ad. I figured, you know, it’s getting as many clicks as it can. It’s grabbing the attention of our audience. And he’s like “Look, man, we have clients that, you know, are in spaces, in niches or industries that you wouldn’t think have high click-through rates that are getting four, five times the click-through rate of yours.”
And all of a sudden like wow, like are- are you serious? I didn’t even believe him and it’s one of those things that I- I wouldn’t have known. All of a sudden, now I’m thinking wow, like the- the problem is actually the ad that I wrote. I’m not grabbing attention. I’m not getting enough people to see and want to click on this ad and instead of worrying about my landing page or my upsell process or the product itself, I’m actually now worried about the- the ad and I need to write a more compelling, more attention grabbing ad that people are going to see and actually respond to more, um, on Facebook. And I- I was not working on that aspect (laughs) of this campaign before I talked to this guy and got a fresh perspective.
Um, this is why I- I think one of the best things you can do for your business is surround yourself with people that give you fresh perspective, um, and ideally people that are far more advanced, far more successful than you are. That’s why I want to make sure that I’m either consistently in masterminds with people that have businesses that are bigger than mine or work with partners that people that have businesses bigger than mine. Like one of our- our goal is to build this thing. We’re getting pretty close to the $10 million a year mark and I want to surround myself with people that are far and a- you know, beyond that level of business because I want their perspective. I want the perspective of somehow who’s been there and done that and looks at the task that I’m trying to do as something that’s easy. They can do it in their sleep ’cause the task that I’m trying to do or the task that you’re trying to do to get to the next level, for us, those are unknowns and we- we’re approaching it with a perspective that isn’t really that … i- it’s (laughs) not experienced in where we’re trying to go.
Um, so anyway, I think- I think a lot of … I think the secret to fulfillment or happiness is a lot to do- is a lot due to the perspective that you have, um, and realizing that there’s- there’s actually way more in life that you can be thankful for and to realize that, you know, if- if you’re down one day, you know, and thinking about, you know, all these things that you’re messing up or that are going wrong in your life, realize that there are people out there with a different perspective, that their life is a- a whole lot more, you know, messed up or their results are a whole lot worse than yours and they would look at your scenario and actually think like wow, like that- that’s a win. Um, and just having that perspective, reminding yourself of that I think can get you out of that mental funk and back into a position where you’re ready to attack the scenario instead of just dwell on all the negatives.
So anyway, remember that, um, and do what you can to- to refresh your perspective as often as you can. Um, so anyway, so that’s all I got. Glad to be back with you guys. Hopefully, ah, get another episode done before I go under the knife here on Wednesday, ah, and hopefully, I won’t be out for too long after that, but um, anyway, either way, I’ll talk to you all soon.
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