If I promised you I could give you the winning numbers to the mega-millions lottery, would you care how I presented them to you? Would you care if I wrote them on a napkin, or presented them to you on a golden tablet? Of course you wouldn’t. And guess what? Your customers wouldn’t either.
The fact is, we’re all looking for a winning ticket. And when you have the right information, you can present it however you want. Because the bottom line is, customers care about the end result way more than they do about the presentation.
That’s what we’re talking about on this week’s 5 minute marketing. I want you to know that you don’t have to put it all out there on your first try. Customers don’t expect you to be an expert at everything; they just want you to be an expert at something. Knowing exactly what you can offer your customers makes life a lot easier for you, and helps your customers trust you.
I want you to work smarter, not harder. So I’ve created a cheat sheet to help you figure out exactly what you should be delivering to your customers. You can download it by clicking here or on the banner below.
Make sure you take a few minutes to listen to this week’s episode; it’s packed with helpful information. Don’t wait until you feel like you’ve got it all together. Click below, listen, and learn how you can deliver a valuable product, and get started right where you are.
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… the biggest result that they’re looking for, that they came to you for, that’s what you should sell them and that’s what you should only sell them.
So one of the things I want to talk about, uh, this week is something I’ve been seeing a lot of people struggle with. Uh, it’s really understanding what your customers actually pay for. Um, and tell me if this sounds anything like you. You start creating a product and all of sudden, you feel like that product is never done. You feel like, hey, I can’t start selling this yet because it just doesn’t have enough information, not delivering enough value, you know there’s not enough chapters in this E-book or there’s not enough modules in this course, or there’s not enough things I’m going to be offering in this service.
Uh, whatever it is, whatever type of business that you’re in, all of us doubt that people actually buy what it is we’re selling. We think we just need to be piling on more and more and more stuff, um, and sometimes that can help, if, if those things are actually valuable. If they’re not actually what your customer wants to pay for, they’re never going to buy. Actually the more you pile on, the more it’s going to actually detract them from buying.
And here’s the perfect example, um, take a look at this book. If you guys are watching this on Facebook, you see it. If you’re listening to it on the podcast, there’s a picture here of a guy holding a book that has about five thousand pages. And this is what we all think we need. We think we need, you know, for those of you that are creating an E-book to get started, which is what I recommend, um, it’s the easiest, most profitable, you know, most cost-efficient way to get started selling products online and you don’t need to be as much of an expert as you think you need.
And one of the things that battles in people’s minds when they first get started is this E-book needs to be three hundred pages long. Um, and again, if you guys know anything about my story, I started training baseball back in 2009, and the first E-book I created once I got over that mental hurdle, that first E-book was 22 pages, uh, and I sold it for 27 dollars. More than a dollar a page, so you apply that to the picture here that I’m showing you and this book would cost five thousand bucks. So, yeah, when it comes to creating products that … what people do not buy, what they don’t care about is the length of your product, is how long it’s going to take to perform the service, is how big the box is that your physical product comes in, is how long your E-book, how long your video course is.
They don’t care. They don’t need to hear the history of your industry or your product, or all the technical specs or how your product works. They just want their result. And I’ll prove to you, and it’s something that I call the ‘lottery ticket approach.’
So let’s say that me and you met on the street and I say, ‘hey I have a product I want you to buy. This product, if you use it, is going to make you a million bucks. It’s, you know, I just won the lottery and I, I’m going to sell you my lottery ticket, the winning numbers. Uh, and all you gotta do is cash it in, you’re gonna, it’s gonna be a million bucks and I’ll sell it to you for a thousand bucks, ’cause I don’t really need the million dollars.
Um, what would you rather, like, in the end, do you care if I scribble down the winning lottery ticket numbers on the back of a napkin? Assuming you could turn that in, of course, or do you need it on a gold, embossed, you know, plaque that is super-fancy and reflects the value of the result it’s going to get. No. In the end, you don’t care how I deliver you the, the end result. The end result for you is you want the million dollars, you don’t care how you get it, you want it faster, you don’t want to have to wait, you don’t want to have to read a five thousand page book. In the end you care about the results.
Think about for college. Like, do you think, if you have kids, and I have two little kids, you know, if, if there was a cheaper, easier, faster way for me to go guarantee them a hundred thousand dollar job, uh, after high school that didn’t require four years of them sitting in class, and a hundred thousand dollars out of my pocket. Don’t you think we would all take that option if there was a cheaper way where they could just take a pill and all of a sudden, boom, they get a hundred thousand dollar job. Of course. Like I don’t care about the mechanism in which the result is delivered, I don’t care if they sit through four years of classes. I don’t care if I have to spend a hundred thousand dollars to make myself feel good.
It’s about the end result. It’s about you know, whatever the end result is for college for most people. Most people they’d say high-paying job. Um, hopefully the chance of getting one. Um, and I made this same mistake when I first got started, that first E-book that I had. One of the things I did, the other mistake that a lot of make is we, we try to solve more than one problem in our first product. We dump everything in. I see this a lot in the fitness industry where people get started and their first E-book is 200 pages and it covers diet and the workout routine, and the mental approach, and stretching and sleeping right, and all of this stuff … accountability, it covers 500 different end results and while you might think that’s good, that you’re over-delivering, you’re actually overwhelming your end customer.
You’re either overwhelming them, they’re going to think, as they’re reading your sales pitch, and you’re claiming that you’re going to fix their eating habits and their workout habits, and their mental habits and their stretching habits, and their sleeping habits, and their accountability habits. They’re going to start thinking one of two things, and neither one of them are good for you. They’re going to starting thinking, number one, this is way too much freaking work. Like, I don’t want to solve all these problems. I sleep pretty good, I’m pretty flexible. I just want your diet routine. Or, I just want your workout routine. Whatever is the, the biggest result that they’re looking for, that they came to you for, that’s what you should sell them and that’s what you should only sell them.
Don’t try to sell them other things. Um, ’cause number one, you’re gonna overwhelm them or two, they’re going to think this is too good to be true. There’s no way this guy or this girl’s going to solve my diet, my workout routine, my mental game, my stretching, my sleeping. And I made the same mistake in my first baseball E-book. I had information in there about hitting and pitching and fielding and running and throwing and lifting, and everything under the sun and I thought, you know, I’m just gonna throw everything in there. I’m gonna wow this people.
And that’s not how you wow people. That’s how you overwhelm them. That’s how you kill sales, that’s how you almost guarantee that no one will get the end result. ‘Cause when you pile everything into one book, everything into to one course, everything into one program, into one service, it’s just too much for the brain to think about. You know what the brain can think about? One thing. One thing.
I go in and I say, ‘look, here’s this E-book and I’m going to teach you, in this E-book, how to be the fastest runner on the field.’ Only. And the reason I’m going to do it, ’cause I’m only going to focus on that because I’m an expert in that one thing. People can understand that, it’s one promise. It’s one benefit, it’s one result. And they can get that through their head, and you will make more sales, your customers will go through your product more, they will use your service more. They will eh, you’re going to increase repeat purchases because people are gonna actually gonna get the end result. You’re not going to overwhelm people.
Um, and that’s good news for us as marketers because now we can take these products that become these behemoths, and we can break them up into bite-sized chunks and we can create, you know. What I got to do with my baseball business is I got to put this … I took everything out of this E-book and I made it just about hitting.
It was the 10-Step Complete Hitter. That was the name of the book. Everything I knew about hitting and becoming a complete hitter was in this book. And then I got to take all the other information that I had that was in my head and I created a course about pitching and fielding, and throwing and running and lifting. And everything else around the game of baseball. And now I had this collection of courses that people, as soon as they got through the first course, and they knew I delivered on that one promise really, really well, they now wanted to buy everything else that I had.
So it worked out for me and the customer. It’s a win-win scenario and that’s what you want. Um, again, another perfect example. You wanna apply this to services. If someone came to me today and said, ‘Hey Brian, I want to redo, you know, the website at Brian Moran dot com or at sam card dot com. Um, and we’re gonna come in, we’re gonna do the design, we’re going to do the SEO, we’re gonna do the blog, and we’re gonna do everything.’
And they started listing out all this stuff that they’re experts at, the first thing in my head is going to be, there’s no way you could be that good at all of those things. There’s no way, like I want someone who’s the best at the design. And then I’ll hire the guy that’s the best at SEO and then the best at the blog. And I’m going to put them all together to create a great thing.
So lead with that one thing. Let them. Remind your customers, convince them that you’re the expert at that one thing. If you’re in fitness, you’re the expect at developing this one body part, whether it’s arms or legs or whatever. And then once they become obsessed with you and your brand, because you’re the expert that one thing, and you deliver the result, they’re going to want to come to you for everything else. If I hired a guy and he just absolutely crushed our website, did an amazing job on the design, and he’s like ‘hey, we’re pretty good at SEO, too, we have this other team, that’s all they do.’ I’m going to hire that guy. In a nanosecond. Because he already delivered. I don’t have to think through, is this worth it, is this guy going to scam me? Are his prices good?
I know. I know him. As a, as a client and a customer, I don’t have to worry about making that um, you know, all those thought processes that go in again. So, simplify your products. Remember people pay for results, they do not pay for the length of your E-book, for the length of your courses, for how many modules your courses have, they don’t pay for that stuff. They pay for results.
Uh, so just remember. That’s the takeaway for today. So, uh, again, like uh, most of our, uh, episodes recently, we have um, we created a cheat-sheet to help you guys simplify and make sure you’re focusing on what the main benefits are for your product, uh, that really makes sure that you’re not overwhelming people, that you’re positioning yourself as expert.
So if you want that cheat-sheet that we use when we put together our sales pitches and our products, uh, if you’re on Facebook you guys can just go comment down below and we’ll send it over. Um, and if you’re on the podcast, you can just go to Brian Moran dot com, slash 102. It’s episode 102 on the podcast, and uh, I think that’s it. Um, that’s all I got. So if you guys have a good rest of the day, and I’ll talk to you soon.
If you’re looking for an easy way to launch your business online and start making sales, or a simply way to get fast cash out of your already-established business, then check out how I’m making 17 hundred and 29 dollars per day with a simple, one-page website. I break it all down over at one page funnel dot com. That’s the number one, page funnel, dot com. [/expand]
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