Hey guys- Today on Five Minute Marketing we are talking about some easy ways to improve your conversion rates.
I’ve shared this before, but it took me 18 months to make my first sale. I was getting a ton of traffic and plenty of people were seeing my product, but I wasn’t seeing any sales. It took me 18 months to realize my sales pitch was the problem.
As a rule, your first pitch is always going to be your worst. That’s why it’s your first- it’s not going to be a finished product right away. If you are trying to use that first pitch to make sales, you’re not going to get results.
But, if you can figure out why your sales pitch isn’t working, you’ll be in much better shape. In the digital world we have the option to constantly be changing up our pitch. And every time we make a small change, we are getting that much closer to a pitch that works.
My strong suggestion is to let your customers tell you whey they aren’t buying from you. I’m going to give you some tips for gathering customer feedback and examples of how I’ve used feedback to increase my sales dramatically.
Listen to this week’s episode. It’s simple, but it will make a huge impact on your bottom line.

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Speaker 1: You need to be constantly feeding yourself input from your customers, ideally forever. But absolutely, the most critical time to do that is in the beginning, when you’re trying to figure out, and you’re trying to nail down this pitch for the first time.
Speaker 1: Hey, everybody. What’s going on? Happy Saturday, or I guess whatever day you’re listening to this right now. But right now it’s Saturday morning, I’m heading to a softball tournament all day. It’d be nice to get back outside. I’ve been traveling non-stop for like six weeks, which is not typical for me. We’re working on a secret project here at SamCart. I’ll give you guys more details here in the next couple months.
Speaker 1: But, it’s nice to be back home, it’s nice to get outside and get some exercise in. I’m actually later today, I’m bouncing back and forth between the softball tournament and my daughter has their big dance recital today, at grandma’s studio. So that’s going to be a ton of fun. For those of you with kids, you know all the stuff that comes along with that, so it’s going to be a ton of fun to go watch her, and they have so much doing this stuff. So, anyways.
Speaker 1: What I wanted to talk to you guys about today, I was looking over some of our internal stats for some of the different offers that we have out there, especially ones that we’re running ads to, and then talking to a bunch of both SamCart and 1-Page Funnel masterclass. More beginner customers that are struggling to make their first sale, and they’re getting their page up and running, they’re using our one-page blueprint process to put together a page that sells their product, and some of them aren’t having luck right up front. And they’re running into all the same mental doubts that all of us have. I don’t care if you’ve never made a sale before, or you’ve made hundreds of millions of dollars in sales. You have those same doubts. You put out a new product or new offer, you write your sales pitch, and no one’s buying, at least in the beginning.
Speaker 1: And the biggest lesson that I’ve learned, and I’ll tell you a perfect example of something just happened for us, is number one, the first pitch you write for any product is going to be your worse pitch. It’s just, it has to be, like by default. That’s how it works. When I put together my first product, my baseball e-book way back in the day, nobody bought that thing for 18 months. And I drove a ton of traffic, a ton of people saw that page that had my sales letter on it.
Speaker 1: And I thought I was doing a good job, but there were just things that I didn’t know that my customers were thinking, that caused them to buy. And remember, the reason people aren’t buying is always because of something that your customer is thinking, that it’s keeping them from buying. In sales, we call this an objection. There’s usually 10 most common objections. Whether they think it won’t work for them, or the price is too high, or it’s not a great deal, or they think that you don’t understand them. Or your headline’s not grabbing their attention so they’re not reading the letter, they’re just bouncing off the page in the first 10 seconds. There’s a bunch of different things they could be thinking, but it usually comes down to 10 most common objections. I’ll cover those in another podcast.
Speaker 1: But the good news is, is especially online, you can tweak that pitch over, and over, and over, and it will get better, and better, and better every time. And the beauty about the world that we all live in is your page stays up forever, so every time you improve that pitch, you now have just improved your conversion rate forever. So that now, every future visitor that comes to your page, you now have that much higher of a chance of closing them at a sale. And that can mean millions and millions of future dollars that you would lose out on if you fail to tweak that pitch over, and over, and over.
Speaker 1: And so, the tip I have for you guys is pretty simple. You need to be constantly feeding yourself input from your customers, ideally forever. But absolutely, the most critical time to do that is in the beginning when you’re trying to figure out, when you’re trying to nail down this pitch for the first time.
Speaker 1: And I’ll give you a prime example. We have our main webinar that we drive a ton of traffic to. We have hundreds and hundreds of people that view this webinar on a daily basis. And when I first started it, when I first launched it for the first time, I followed my script, I did everything by the book, followed the one-page blueprint even though this was for a video that was essentially a presentation, a webinar. And it did not convert very well. I forget what the conversion rate was back then. I believe of, for cold attendees, our conversion rate was under 2%. And for a live webinar to a warm audience that’s really bad, but this was to cold traffic so it was halfway decent. But it was not good enough to run ads to.
Speaker 1: And guess what we did? We installed live chat on our page. And after 10-20 seconds it would pop up and it would ask them, “Hey. Do you have any questions about the program?” And that was it. And guess what? Over the first couple months, I saw a theme that most of the questions were from people that didn’t believe that this program would work for them, because they sold fitness products, or they sold physical products, or they had a service, or they were a MLM. And I saw this again, and again, and again, and I realized, “You know what? I don’t have that many examples of other niches that this system, our process of using one page to sell anything, will work for.”
Speaker 1: So what do you think I did? I went back, and I tweaked the slides, and I added story after story, after story. Example after example, after example of this process working for physical products, digital products, services, expensive products, cheap products, brick and mortar stores, MLMs. The list goes on, and on, and on. And guess what happened to our conversion rate? Our conversion rate went from under 2% to 3.5%. I mean, almost doubled.
Speaker 1: And think about that for a minute. So now this is all relative, but for us, for a company that’s spending $10-20 thousand a day on traffic to get people into this webinar, that hundreds and hundreds of people are seeing this webinar every single day. For me, the old conversion rate, let’s just round up and say it was 2% every 100 attendees, that’s two sales. And we’d get 500 attendees a day, so that’s 10 sales. So we’re making 10 sales a day with the old pitch, and I got one piece of common feedback from our customers, and I tweaked the pitch, tweaked the video, tweaked the page. And now we’re converting 3.5. So let’s just again, we’ll round down. I’ll be super conservative just to make the point. Now we’re making three sales for every 100 visitors. Well we have 500 visitors a day, that’s an extra one sale for every 100 visitors. Do that math. That’s an extra five sales a day, and this is a $1000 course.
Speaker 1: $5000 in sales a day, for the rest of history, for like forever, for as long as I’m sending traffic to this page. That’s an extra $5000 a day. Like number one, and that’s just benefit number one. Think about the ripple effect of that. If this page is now giving me an extra $5000 a day in sales, that can be the difference between an ad campaign that’s working and not. If I was breakeven before, making with the 2% converting page, if I was spending $10 grand a day and just making my $10 grand back on advertising.
Speaker 1: Now I’m actually profiting $5000 a day, which I can decide, look, I’m just going to keep the $5000 a day extra and put it in my pocket, or now I can almost double my ad spend. Because I can go spend probably another $10 thousand a day, because it’s converting that much higher, and I’m going to drive that much more in sales. Does that make sense? Hopefully that is not lost on you, that one little tweak like this can be the difference between you being able to afford ads and not, or you being profitable on your ad campaigns and not, or you having a five-figure business turning into a six-, or seven-, or eight-figure business.
Speaker 1: That is how critical it is for you, especially in the beginning, to get constant feedback from not just your customers. You want feedback from your customer to find out why they bought, but more importantly you need to find out why people are not buying. If you have an email list, and you do a promotion for a product and someone doesn’t buy, every single time you should be sending an email to people that don’t buy, and sending them to a quick little survey. Just ask them why. One question, why.
Speaker 1: The best way to do it, if you don’t have an email list or if you don’t feel like sending an email, is install live chat on your page, and have it pop up 10-20 seconds in. Just ask them if they have any questions. And that’s it. Even better, install an exit pop-up, so that when someone goes to leave your page, you ask them, “Hey. Before you go, sorry this wasn’t a good fit. Could you just let me know, why didn’t you buy today? What’s your feedback on this product? Is there something else I could have done to made it an easier decision for you?”
Speaker 1: And over time you will see themes. You’re looking for themes, you’re not looking for individual, one-off little things. If someone, you know let’s say you’re selling a fitness course and one person writes in the first time. They’re like, “This is way too expensive. Your $100 course should be free.” Don’t go make it free. You’re going to get crazy responses every once in a while. People are nuts, people’s frame of references are all wrong sometimes. But when you get 10 responses and you notice that five of them say that it’s too expensive, well number one, you don’t need to drop your price. You just need to build a better offer, add more bonuses, build the value more. If you get 10 responses and eight of them are, “Hey, this part just really confuses me.” Simplify it.
Speaker 1: That’s the secret. Every great marketer, every great sales person is constantly using the feedback from their potential customers that didn’t buy, to strengthen their sales pitch, period. And we do it every single day. You’re never done tweaking your pitch. You’ll never get to 100% conversion, which means you can always improve it.
Speaker 1: So that’s the lesson for today. So hope that helps. And I just got to the field, so time to go have some fun. Hope you guys have a good weekend, and I’ll talk to you all soon.
Speaker 1: If you are looking for an easy way to launch your business online and start making sales, or a simple way to get fast cash out of your already established business, then check out how I’m making $17,029 per day, with a simple one-page website. I break it all down over at 1PageFunnel.com. That’s the number 1, PageFunnel.com. [/expand]
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