Do you want to know the EASIEST way to see a spike in your revenue? Do you want the secret to seeing a fast increase in sales? Are you ready to see major growth in your business?
Are you sitting down? This is big news. The truth is… the best way to see a huge spike in numbers is…
change nothing.
Yes. You read that right. If you want to make money fast, the trick is to do everything exactly the same as the last time you had a huge win in your business. When was the last time you saw a spike in sales? Maybe it was a collaboration, a blog post, or a marketing campaign. Whatever it was, go back to it and do it again. Don’t change a thing.
This week I’m sharing my story around this concept. I, like many entrepreneurs, get bored quickly. The temptation is to cure my boredom by tweaking my products or my programs or my marketing. But like I’m going to tell you on this week’s podcast, I had to be reminded that change isn’t always good.
Make sure to listen to this week’s episode. It’s simple, but it’s a game changer (or… a game… not changer?).
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