Happy New Year! We are two weeks in, and I’m going to bet that some of you are already losing sight of the goals you set for yourself this year. Sound accurate? Keep reading.
I want to break down how I keep my eyes on the prize all year- literally. It’s so easy to set goals, even break down exactly how you might get to those goals, and then forget after a few weeks because you lose your original vision. But I have found one easy way to stay motivated throughout the whole year, and even surpass my original goals.
Put your goals in front of you.
If you were in my office with me right now, you would see a whiteboard with SamCart’s 2018 goals written on it. I have looked at those goals every single day since the beginning of last year. Some days it was only subconsciously, but it was still in front of me every day. Turns out, we crushed those goals last year. There is power in looking at your goals every day.
Whatever your goals are for this year, make sure you find a visual representation of them and make sure you are looking at them every single day. Put them on your phone background, your computer screen, your mirror- anywhere that will be in front of you daily. Keep them in front of you, literally, all year, and you will be much less likely to forget them.
I hope this helps. Listen to this week’s podcast to hear more details on why I believe this goal helps, and a few other tips on effective goal setting. 2019 can be your best year yet if you know how to stay focused and set the right goals.

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Two weeks in, most people at this point are already past the, you know, excitement stage of January one, and they’re kind of just slipping right back in to the old habits that didn’t work last year.
So I’m about to uh, head to the airport and get on a plane to uh, Salt Lake City now for the next couple of days. And one of the things I’m gonna do uh, on the plane most likely, it’s some of the times I get the most work done. Um, not as much anymore now there’s internet, you can get so distracted uh, but it’s nice and quiet, no one to interrupt. And one of the things I’m gonna do is work on uh, our goals for this year. I kinda did a little bit before New Years but I haven’t done anything to make them more concrete and to uh, kinda narrow down uh, what our big high level goals for SamCart are for the rest of the year.
So one of the things it made think of was what worked last year as far as uh, goal setting. Which ones did we hit? Uh, obviously you know, any of you that you know, go and look online for goal setting techniques or strategies or how tos, you find about thousand different uh opinions. And I think, a lot of times like… Especially something like this when you find so many opinions, the truth is none of them are right and all of them are right at the same time. Uh, so it… So I try to look at that constants. What are the common denominators behind different ways of setting goals, like whether you set them… You know, some people believe in setting goals ten times high than you think. So if you wanna lose ten pounds this year, obviously not ten times higher, uh, ’cause most likely you’re losing 100 pounds, for most of us would be the end of us. But you set, you know, uh, a much bigger much more intense goal that is kind of more of a stretch goal. You wanna lose 20 pounds of 30 pounds.
and one of the reasons that I actually like that approach, and this again, just my opinion, I’m not stating that this is fact, but for me if my goal is this year to you know, to get to 20 million in sales. And I subscribe to the philosophy that maybe you should stretch it, maybe you should make it 30 or 40 million and here’s why. Because if you stretch that goal, now your brain starts to think, “Okay… How would I get to this new goal that is way harder than I thought before? Most likely important gonna have to use a completely different game plan, completely different strategies.” Again, for example, if you wanted to lose five pounds then your strategy can be pretty simple. You just stop eating, you know, one thing. Maybe you drink too much soda, maybe you eat too much you know, fast food, whatever it is. So you cut that out. Um, but if your goal’s to lose 20 pounds, now you’ve probably gotta cut that out and fix the rest of your diet, and get a gym membership. So you start thinking completely differently.
Um, and it… I like that, I like kinda putting your mental game in a different state um, so that you have to try to overcome bigger problems. But anyway, that’s not the point I wanted to make today.
The point i wanted to make today was one of the biggest goal setting tips that I had ever heard and actually put into practice um that has worked every time I’ve ever used it, is actually visualizing the goal. You know, and I don’t mean sitting in a quiet room and meditating on it, although that probably would help quite a bit, I just don’t do that. Um, but putting something up on your wall, on your whiteboard, on your computer screen, on the backdrop of your, you know, your phone background. Somewhere that you know, you see somewhere everyday, that visualizes what that goal is, that makes you think about it.
And for me, I’m more visual so I don’t usually just put text up on the wall like, “Hey, you know, this year we will, you know, make 15 millions dollars.” Or whatever it is. Uh, I try to put something that’s visual up there. So for me I have one of those thermometers. I actually just drew it and then I fill it in as it goes. Kind of the same thin you see, you know, outside a school that’s trying to raise money, or whatever it is. Um, and I try to draw something that makes me think about it.
So maybe it’s…. Uh, I print off uh, a picture of, you know, a big, you know, maybe a big team of maybe 50 or 100 people that just makes me think I know what that means. I know when I see that, that that reminds me our goal is to you know, to get to that by the end of the year. Um, and I’m telling you every time I put something in front of myself, and I don’t even consciously look at it everyday, it’s just there, something happens. I don’t know what it is, all I know is I’m looking at my wall right now and we have a monthly profit goal, we have a ad spend per day goal, and we have a money in the bank goal. Um, and these things are on my whiteboard wall right to the left of my home office, um, that you guys have probably seen a video of in the past.
These were written so long ago, almost a year ago, that probably if I tried to erase them, I would not be able to because the dry erase marker is probably so ingrained on that board, um, I’d have to get that… The uh, special cleaner stuff. Um, and that’s a good thing because… It, and uh, again, the, the point I was gonna make was… All three of them we have not only hit, we have destroyed those goals. And they were goals that when I wrote them up there, was like a, “Man, this would be really nice, it would be really nice if we, you know, could make this jump, you know, in the bank account, or this jump in ad spend, or this jump in monthly profit, or this jump in SamCart- the number of SamCart users that we have.”
Um, and all of them seemed like stretches. They weren’t crazy stretches, they were ones that I knew I could do, but for me, for most people that probably was a stretch ’cause, um, I tend to think I can do more than I actually can. But we hit every single one of them, and I didn’t look at these every day, they were just there. Kind of in my subconscious so…
Anyway, the lesson of today, whatever your goal is, whether it’s personal, you know, with your marriage or your kids or family or friends or work or your…. Your actual business or your health or the spiritual side of things, whatever that is, put them in front of yourself. Put those goals visually somewhere. Um, and try to keep it… At least not for me, I try not to have too many. Like, one of the things that I always struggle with is I love setting goals ’cause I love… I’m the visionary, I love to imagine what things could be. And a lot of times I’ll get overwhelmed if I have things up on my wall that are on all aspects of life. You have to have the personal side, the professional side, the spiritual side, emotional side the… Health and wellness side. And if I have all of those up on a board and all of those categories have three or four different goals, then my head like wants to explode and I can’t focus on any of them.
So I try to keep it, if I’m gonna do all the categories, uh, if I need help on all of them in a given year, then I try to have just one, uh, in each of the main categories. But if, you know, let’s say the health side of things are doing well and the marriage side of things are doing well, and it’s the business side I want to focus on I might have two or three that are big goals on a board in front of me.
Um, anyway, hopefully that helps. I just wanted to get that out to you guys, especially since it’s, you know, today as I record this Monday January 14th, two weeks in. Most people at this point are already past the, you know, excitement stage of January one, and they’re kind of just slipping right back in to their old… The old habits that didn’t work last year. Snap yourself out of it. Take an hour to sit down, think, revisit those goals and take the two or three most important ones that if you hit those would fix most of the other problems that you have, and put them in front of yourself somewhere.
And it does not have to be some fancy drawing, some fancy poster. Uh, mine literally is written in dry erase marker on a wall. Uh, and that’s it. And we hit it last year. And not just hit it, we shattered it. So I gotta redraw these things and step one is trying to get this whiteboard uh, marker drawing off the wall. ‘Cause it’s been there for a year. Uh, and like I said it’s probably stuck on their like glue, but we’ll see.
I’ll let you guys know if I can get it off. But anyway, I gotta head to the airport, running a little bit late, uh, but I will uh, talk to you guys here soon.
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