Hey guys, I’m back with an exciting update.
Last we talked, I was dealing with an ad campaign that wasn’t doing so hot. Since then, a few things have happened. First of all, my wife and I welcomed our third child. So, that’s a pretty big deal. But secondly, I have a new hot tip for you guys based on an ad that I worked on during our post-birth hospital stay.
The backstory is that I am helping a friend out with advertising for a new product he is launching. When I started messing around with it, it was the worst performing ad campaign I had my hands on. So I knew we needed to do something, but I wasn’t exactly sure what needed to be done.
I decided to start messing around with the audience for the campaign. I basically created a look alike audience based on the audience for my book, The Going Pro Manifesto. I figured if those people were interested in that content, they might be interested in this product as well.
Then I just sat and started observing. I made note of what platforms the ad was working on, who seemed to be engaging with the ads, etc. I was able to hone in on exactly who was interacting with the campaign and narrow down my audience based on that information.
48 hours later, that ad campaign was sitting as the BEST ad campaign I have my hands on. From worst to best in just two days. And I did it all from a hospital room while managing newborn life. It was that easy.
The lesson from all this is that it is CRITICAL to always be testing your ad campaigns. Just because your product isn’t selling doesn’t mean it’s a crap product. It might just be a crap audience. You wouldn’t know that unless you keep testing and tweaking that audience.
Keep keeping on, friends. One little tweak can make all the difference. I’ll be back soon- hopefully a little more rested than I currently am.
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