If you aren’t great at selling, it is not a skill thing. You don’t need more experience, you need a simple sales pitch that you can complete in an afternoon. Let me walk you through myOne Page Sales Pitch, and how to copy my simple sales pitch for selling any product online.
I hear the same line tens of thousands of times each year: “I’m not good at selling.” And I always say the same thing in return, “Not with that attitude.”
Ok, maybe I don’t actually say that back. But I definitely think it. Because saying, “I’m not good at selling” is like telling yourself, “I’ll never succeed”. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I’m decent at selling stuff. Not great, decent. But I started out as a terrible, rookie salesman. And I mean terrible. But like with anything, just takes practice.
Let me take some of the pressure off of you: Selling stuff is not hard.
Writing a few paragraphs that explain what your product or service is, outline why someone should buy it, and then tell them how to purchase is really not a complicated process.
But here’s the problem…
Selling IS hard when you are too focuses on how everyone else sells their stuff.
Before we go any further, this post is Part 2 of a series. Where I outline my simple blueprint for creating the business of your dreams. If you haven’t seen them yet, make sure you check out Part 1 first!
Read Part 1: The Product Creation Shortcut
Alright, let’s get on with it…
Why Experts Can’t Teach You How To Sell
We all see these “experts” creating all these 2-hour webinars, super long sales letters, complex sales videos, endless Facebook lives, live stage presentations, and overly-complicated automated email campaigns to sell their stuff.
So that sets the bar pretty dang high. If the experts needs all that to sell their stuff, that must be what you need too, right?
Absolutely not.
The truth is, you only need one great pitch. And it really doesn’t matter how that pitch is delivered; webinar, sales video, your homepage, over the phone, in person. A great pitch is a great pitch, and all you need is one.
I am going to show you how all of my sales messages are in one afternoon worth of work. And every one of my sales pitches are delivered through a single page. Thus, the one page sales pitch.
Sounds like a pipe dream, but I assure you that my brands thrive without all the bells and whistles you currently are investing hours and hours into creating.
Simplicity Is King
Are you going to do over $1 Million in sales this year? If you are…awesome! You’ve figured it out. But odds are that you aren’t. And if you are still working towards that 7-figure mark (like 99.9% of people reading this), let me give you one enormous piece of advice…
Keep it simple.
Listen, I study sales. Some people’s hobbies are watching football or mountain biking. My biggest hobby is recording webinars, dissecting sales letters, opening emails and screen-recording their sales messaging to go through later.
Ya know those sales/marketing books that everyone says they read? Breakthrough Advertising. The Ultimate Sales Machine. Spin Selling. Well I have actually read them. It is a little weird, but studying sales is my hobby. So you need to trust me when I say, simplicity is king.
Until you’re killing it, you do not need some huge webinar, or a big complex funnel, or a hyper-automated email campaign, or some professional sales video. It’s all just wasted time and energy.
Focus on your message, and create your own One Page Sales Pitch.
You know who doesn’t use big, complex sales funnels? Amazon.
You know who sells a ton of services, books, physical products using a one page sales pitch? Kickstarter.
Unless you are absolutely dialed in, adopt their model. Don’t go chasing what these “celebrity marketers” are doing.
I know hundreds of millionaire business owners that created their entire business on the back of a single great message, delivered in exactly one very simple way. It is never some complex, automated, professional-designed machine that drives revenue.
It is the message.
So until you know if your message is on point, don’t bother dressing it up in all kinds of crazy, complex tactics. Simplicity is the name of the game. Please don’t get distracted by what the “experts” are doing. Because behind the scenes, it’s just one simple tactic that’s bringing in 95% of their sales.
My One Page Sales Pitch
Just about everything I sell happens in 500 words or less. And it almost always happens on one single page. Which means you will rarely every see me using some big, complex “funnel” (that word is so misused at this point, but that’s a topic for another day). I have done maybe 2 webinars in the last year. And the only videos I create are my premium content, training stuff only.
If you want to see how I keep my sales messages simple, checkout my one page sales pitch for my book, The Going Pro Manifesto.
Or for my fill-in-the-blank Ultimate Upsell Script.
Or even the page I use to sell free trials to SamCart.
These are my bread and butter offers. These One Page Sales Pitch style sales pages are where 95% of my sales are being made. It’s simple. It’s easy to replicate. It works. In this post, I want to break down my “One Page Sales Pitch” that absolutely anyone can use to sell their stuff.
This is rough clay. Take this outline for a pitch, and make it your own. Doesn’t matter if you are selling a service, your own time, tickets to an event, a video course, adventure bird-watching vacations, or smartphones.
This outline is just me breaking down years of studying, testing, and practicing my copywriting skills. And turning it into something that can help you finally create a winning sales message, and get it across the finish line.
The best sales message in the world isn’t worth a dime if you never finish it. Keep it simple, follow the outline, get your next pitch done. I hope you enjoy it.
1: Benefits
When you figure out how to talk about benefits, instead of features, you’ll hit the mother-load. The whole “Benefits vs Features” idea could be it’s own huge copywriting blog post. Writing an irresistible pitch hinges on your ability to stick to benefits.
But I’ll keep it simple for now. When you are writing a sales message, it is not enough to just tell people the name of your offer. If I said…
“Having trouble keeping your car smelling fresh? Buy CarFresh!”
…you would probably think, “What the heck IS CarFresh?”
And rightfully so. Writing a great pitch involves clearly and concisely answering the following two questions…
- What is it?
- What does it do?
That’s it. Keep it simple. Answer those questions, and you will stumble into benefits. Replace the statement above with this hypothetical…
“CarFresh is the last in-car air freshener you’ll ever need! Keep your car smelling new without having to break out the vacuum every Saturday morning. Just place CarFresh underneath your seat, and stale odors will be repelled around the clock for months!”
Have a better idea of what CarFresh is now? Feel like you would be able to make a buying decision after reading those two sentences?
All I’ve done is help you understand what this product is and what is does. It is something you place in your car (under the seat, to be exact), that helps keep my car smelling clean. And if you take it one level deeper, I’ve also communicated some key benefits…
- Your car will smell fresh.
- You don’t need to clean your car as often.
- You can take back some of your weekend free time.
- You don’t need to replace CarFresh often.
- CarFresh stays out of sight.
That’s effective writing. You do not need a million words to do this! You do not need months of long hours. You do not need a 90 minute webinar. And for the love of God, you do not need to hire a professional copywriter. Every inch of what I just wrote can be delivered through a One Page Sales Pitch.
When you talk about the benefits of what you’re offering, customers ears perk up. Don’t waste time describing your offer, stick to the benefits. That is what your customer really cares about.
2: Objections
Every time you buy something, there’s an internal dialogue going on. As you evaluate wether to purchase that new hammock (it’s summer time, I’ve got outdoor lounging on the brain), you are running through a bunch of objections in your head.
- Is this safe around the kids?
- Will the frame start to rust if I leave it outside?
- Is this price really worth it?
- Do I have somewhere to put this in the winter?
Those are all objections. And here’s the crazy part, every single prospect you ever talk to is having their own version of the same conversation. Everyone has objections, and they are all slightly different.
You know who does a great job of this? Amazon. Every product you’ve ever purchased on Amazon has an extensive FAQ section, that does nothing but fight common objections.
Someone like me might need to know the hammock is safe for their kids. Someone else looks at the same product and will need to know the hammock material is hypoallergenic.
You need to take big objections head on! Blast big objections out of the water…in writing, on the page right where everyone can see them. Whatever the objection, find a way to remove it from the picture.
If it’s price, then make the value undeniable. If it’s quality, dive into what materials you use. If it’s a big risk, throw out a crazy guarantee.
Whatever big objections are in your audience’s minds, attack them directly in your sales message, and take them out of the picture.
3: Scarcity
This is the one section of a sales pitch that always makes people squirm. Scarcity is about injecting some urgency into the process, bringing your prospect to a buying decision. Ultimately, that’s exactly what you want.
You never want a prospect to think, “I will circle back to this later and decide then”. No one ever does. You have someone’s attention right here, right now. You need to find ways to move readers to making their choice right there on the spot, or resign to losing that sale forever.
Once again, I’ll dip back into Amazon’s example. Their version of scarcity is super cool on a few levels, because everyone knows that if a product is being sold on Amazon today, that it will likely be there tomorrow. So scarcity can be tough to work in.
But here’s how Amazon brings real scarcity into every sale made on their website…
Buy now, or risk waiting even longer to get your stuff. It’s genius. Scarcity for some things is a lot easier. Live events have actual dates. If you’re selling a service, you can only possibly take so many clients before you are booked solid.
Selling digital courses or something? My favorite scarcity tactic is to shut down enrollment altogether. The training courses I do still sell are only open for enrollment 2x a year. Show up after an enrollment period? Too bad.
Selling software? Flipping the script and offering extended free trials for a few days at a time is a great way to get someone to grab their account, that might otherwise have browsed the homepage and left for good.
4: Proof
Finally, one part of the pitch that is pretty self-explanatory. Everyone knows that reviews, social proof, testimonials, etc. is great for convincing people to buy. But I would take it a step further, and say that you need to add proof about yourself and/or your brand.
When people buy SamCart, we have SamCart reviews from top SamCart Sellers who have made tons of money using the platform. But we also go that extra mile and make sure our customers know that SamCart has processed over $512 Million in sales for its users. So it’s not just about happy customers, it’s about a stable, reliable platform.
Don’t have customers just yet to get reviews from? No sweat.
Go find some people in our audience and offer them something for free. Selling services? Do something small, on the house. Selling software? Get some BETA testers to try everything out. Physical goods? Ship some samples!
Then circle back and harvest some reviews about the offer, your brand, whatever you need. Remember, proof is about more than just the specific product you’re offering at the time.
Infuse proof and testimonials into your One Page Sales Pitch, and keep it simple along the way.
5: Guarantee
Ah yes, the guarantee. The forgotten middle-child of the sales pitch. Maybe it’s because I am a middle child myself, but I take a huge amount of pride in my guarantees. A great guarantee can change everything.
Most people will be content to offer some run-of-the-mill “30-Day Guarantee” with whatever they’re selling. But you should know better. Because in the same way that you have a chance to smash big objections and convince more people to buy, the guarantee you use is directly combatting the biggest objections your audience will have….price.
Everyone cares about money. Your prospects are constantly weighing your offer against the amount of money you’re asking them to pay. Which one is more valuable?
Offering a kick-ass guarantee can tip the scales in your favor easier than any other element on this page. And trust me, a killer guarantee will capture way more customers than it might cost you in returns. I’ve done the test myself. I’ve challenged everyone who will listen me to the same.
Whatever your guarantee is right now (if you’re not using one, start right now!), double it immediately. And start keeping track of your sales. The longer your guarantee, the higher your conversion rate will be.
That is the power of “risk reversal”. A strategy that says when you find a way to take risk away from the customer, and place it on yourself instead, that your response rate skyrockets.
My favorite guarantee, for those of you with the stomach to try it, is a “Double You Money Back Guarantee”. I still use it plenty, and it states that if my customers isn’t thrilled with their purchase, they can contact me and I’ll refund their purchase cost and send also them a check for the purchase cost. So they can get “double their money back”.
Been using it for years. I have captured countless extra customers by taking on some extra risk, and had to shell out a whopping 3 checks for double the money back.
Use a guarantee. Make it hefty. Thank me later.
6: Call To Action
Might seem obvious, but the last step of my “One Page Pitch” is telling your customers what to do next.
If someone has read your sales message, they are hyped up and ready to go. Worst thing you can do now is leave them hanging on the details. If you want someone to pick up the phone and call you, you better tell them what number to call.
If you want someone to enter their payment information on the next page, you had better tell them how to get there.
If you want someone to reply to an email and confirm their purchase, you had better tell them exactly what to say.
My best advice on the Call to Action is to be specific! If necessary, walk through the individual steps of how to complete their order. And I mean each step, “Take your wallet out of your pocket and pull out your best credit card….”
You can never be too specific. You would be shocked at how many sales are lost due to unclear direction. Never assume your prospects know what to do next. In fact, assume they have no idea how to complete their purchase.
Deploy Your One Page Sales Pitch
That’s it. Seriously.
Take this and mold it however you see fit. But get it done.
If you’re curious as to how to actually take your new One Page Sales Pitch and bring it to the world, my recommendation is SamCart. It’s all about simplicity, and fits perfectly with this One Page stuff.
Head over to SamCart and grab a free trial, and create your One Page Sales Pitch this afternoon. Bring your idea to life, share it with your audience, and start making sales.
Forget the endless to-do lists. Get moving now.
Get My New Book For Free
If you’re serious about building an online business, and want to know how “Pros” get to $100,000 per year …you need to get a copy of my new book, The Going Pro Manifesto.
Inside, we take a deep-dive into my business blueprint ditches the ‘experts’, eliminates overwhelm, and cuts straight to winning. And I’m giving away copies completely free, all you have to do is cover the shipping.
Click below, and I’ll ship your copy today.
Hello my wife are interested in starting your one page funnel can you please get back in touch with us thank you.
I was on your 11:00 AM Webinar and it just quit about half way through the presentation. michael@lifetreelending.com
You, unlike so many promotions on the web, have provided enough details to make a ‘test sample’ & experiment with it. Which is exactly my game plan. Main thing is is the will to follow through. Thank you for sharing basics that we can practice with before an order decision. ~ Dean Forward, Toronto , Ont., Canada.
Will you offer the training
“The Simple ‘1-Page Website’ That Makes Me $1,721 Per Day”!
again any time soon? I was pulled away early due to family issues.
Hi I watched your webinar last night at 9 PM Pacific time and I absolutely loved it I wanted toWatch it with my partners and we definitely going to sign up thank you Dr. Jay